Houston’s One-Stop-Shop for All Your Powder Coating Needs! Call Today (832) 230-4107!
Our Services
Powder coating has a long history and is a favorite for items needing a superior finish and very durable coating. Powder is drawn into the object by electrostatic charge and then set by high heat. Commercial and household paints use a liquid carrier to carry paint solids to a surface with limited effectiveness. Adhesion, corrosion resistance, edge protection, coating thickness and uniformity are all superior with powder coating.
Thousands of items can be powder coated and the list is expanding every day! The appliance and automotive industries are the biggest commercial users of powder coating.
For consumers everything from patio equipment, ski poles, golf carts, exercise equipment, to automotive items such as engine parts, bumpers, decorative accents and wheels. Please contact us with your project and let us give you an estimate!
Powder Coating Services

Bayou City Coatings is Houston’s premier professional shop for minor fabrication and repair of your items. From patio furniture to your 4×4 parts – let us give you an estimate! We are committed to up-front and dependable pricing for your specialty projects. (Larger Projects may be sent out to another fabrication specialist.
Minor Fabrication & Repair

Bayou City Coatings is Houston’s premier professional shop for minor fabrication and repair of your items. From patio furniture to your 4×4 parts – let us give you an estimate! We are committed to up-front and dependable pricing for your specialty projects. (Larger Projects may be sent out to another fabrication specialist.
Sand Blasting Services

Sand blasting is the process of using high pressure to blast sand (or other media) onto a surface to remove a coating or rust. Sand blasting is powerful, quick, thorough, and safe. It is generally the best way to prepare an object for high performance coatings like powder coating. like powder coating.